
The Tenno Illuminati Warframe clan was founded by ImaMFnPrincess in May 2017, on PlayStation. Later clans were built on XBOX and PC.  Our PS clan is the largest (Moon Clan), and most active.

Cross clans AND alliances launched on 10/24/23!! This is exciting stuff! You can join any of my clans no matter what platform you are on.  That said, my PS clan is where I will be adding new peeps unless they request otherwise. 

Everyone, regardless of mastery rank, location or age, is welcome so long as they are respectful of others! 

Each clan has all research completed so you have access to every dojo item, which includes many weapons, warframes and more. We have all of the important rooms like the Dry Doc, Crimson Branch, Dagath’s Hollow & many others. Each dojo is tastefully decorated, has transporters to the most used rooms and has an easy layout.

We have giveaways available in our Discord server, and tons on Twitch. These are open to everyone! 

Our Discord server is full of useful Warframe info. You’ll want to check that out, especially if you are newer to Warframe. Once you join, be sure to give yourself a Warframe role so that you have access to the good stuff! 

Our community rules that everyone should try to adhere to:

Community Rules

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